Teller McCaffrey creates and collects tales, fables, adventales, lentales, and parables for children of all ages that give glory to God by following two principles of St. Ignatius:
(1) “Enter through their door but be sure to leave through your door.” For example, in The Greatest Christmas Toy Ever, children listeners enter into a toy store in which all the toys compete with each other to see who is the greatest (their door) and at the end of the story all the toys are genuflecting in front of a wind-up Nativity scene because they understand who really is the greatest (your door).
(2) Finding God in all things. For example, in Connecting the Stars, young Timmy loves connect-the-dots books because they reveal a picture at the end. When Timmy tries to connect all the stars in the sky in the right order, he gets just a glimpse of what the Face of God might be like and how amazing it is.
McCaffrey is available for events to perform stories and teach storytelling lessons.
Contribute an illustration for one of our current dovetales.
Or, contribute an original dovetale to our collection.