In God’s Time
by Anne (7th Grade)
A Parable on Patience
Once upon a time there was a caterpillar named Katie, who wanted very much to be a butterfly. But wishing it didn’t seem to help.
So, she decided to do something about it. First, she tied maple leaves to all her legs and flapped them. But she just fell on her face.
With the leaves still attached, she then tied a string around her and suspended herself from a tree branch. The wind pushed Katie around at high speed and she just went splat into the tree trunk.
She took off the leaves and decided to eat a lot to help her grow real wings. But she just ended up with a stomachache.
All the birds and bugs just laughed at Katie. She was so embarrassed that she built a cocoon that completely hid her from the world.
After a long rest, she woke up and decided that she couldn’t hide from the world any longer. She broke out of her cocoon and saw that she had two beautiful, real wings.
She had become the butterfly she always wanted to be. But it did not happen on her time and she learned patience and trust.