Star Santa: Galactic Hero
Earth is on the Cosmic Naughty List.
Santa helps Earth become ready for First Contact.
Below is a text version of the setup for the story.
Here is a link to a video version, which is worded differently than the text below.
Video link to a description of Santa's high-tech gadgets.
Episode 3: Intro to Hero, EkaYor
Episode 4: A Surprising Villain
Episode 5: Escaping the Villain
Episode 6: Intro to MacKack
Episode 7: Escape to Earth
Episode 8: Tasha's Idea
Episode 9: Making Plans
There is a group of aliens known as the Gift-Givers because they give planets powerful technology, but only after the planets are responsible enough to use it wisely.
The Gift-Givers secretly observe planets for years waiting for their residents to become kind enough, peaceful enough, generous enough, responsible enough, and wise enough. You see, this new technology is very powerful and could cause great harm if not used well.
At times, the Gift-Givers need to give a planet a little help. They would send down a Gift-Giver to live on a planet. The Gift-Giver’s kindness and generosity of giving gifts to everyone served as a role model.
It usually only took a generation or two before that planet’s kindness and generosity increased so much that the planet showed itself to be ready for the gift of new technology.
However, Earth was different. A Gift-Giver had been there working for 250 years (that’s 9 generations) and still the people of Earth were nowhere close to being kind enough or generous enough. Earth was stuck on the Galactic Naughty List.
The High Council of the Gift-Givers was losing patience with Earth. It was Christmas Eve and they voted to give Earth one more year to get itself ready. After that, the Gift-Givers would leave the Earth and never return. Further, they would warn other species never to visit the Earth. Earth would forever be on the Naughty List.
Since it was Christmas Eve, Santa Claus was once again modeling how to be kind and generous. Santa and his elves prepared the technology that would “beam” presents into every child’s home—like on Star Trek.
The sleigh was ready. The giant satellite dishes in the back of the sleigh were in place. From far away, the satellite dishes looked like large bags of toys in the back of the sleigh.
The beaming signals came out from beneath the North Pole, traveled up to the satellite dishes, and bounced down to many homes beneath the sleigh. Then, the sleigh would move to another location high above many other homes to repeat the process all Christmas Eve long. The reindeer wore anti-gravity horseshoes and were not needed to fly the sleigh. They were there just to make everything look low tech.
Santa’s technology was so advanced that Santa didn’t even have to know what each child wanted for Christmas—although he did know. The matter inside each gift was placed in a quantum superposed state so it was basically many things at once. When a child opened a gift and observed the matter, it became one actual thing—whatever the child wanted from Santa that year.
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